Bjørntoft Maskinfabrik A/S takes active part in ensuring our employees health and well-being. We ensure a healthy working environment and our employees mental health through focus on avoiding heavy lifting, minimizing draft and noise, optimizing light conditions and temperatures, ensuring optimal ergonomical work positions and by avoiding repetitive work through rotational shifts. We support a healthy lifestyle and offer help to quit smoking, loose weight or change drinking habits.

Safety first. This is how we think. We have comprehensive safety procedures, clear floor markings of work and transport areas in the production, personal protective equipment and rapid access to fire extinguishers, first aid kits and a heart defibrilator. Our employees are educated in fire fighting and evacuation. We do regular inspection walks where we evaluate the safety situation and identify possible areas to improve. All external visitors need to attend a safety introduction in order to get access to our two production halls.

Our environmental management system at Bjørntoft Maskinfabrik A/S depends on the involvement and commitment of all employees. Through investigation of the company’s total environmental impact, we work continuously to protect the environment and improve the overall environmental impact of our manufacturing and testing.

Although not officially certified, our environmental management system complies to methods from ISO 14001. We work with both short-term and long-term environmental goals. Our environmental targets are primarily within energy and waste reduction to reduce our environment footprint and run our production in a sustainable way. We assess and audit our sub-suppliers with regards to environmental focus and impact. 

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